Permanent Secretary visits Siamatika Clinic

This report outlines the recent visit of the Permanent Secretary (PS) and his technical team to Siavonga for a strategic meeting and their subsequent visit to the Siamatika Clinic. The purpose of the visit was to gain insights into the clinic’s operations and express gratitude to the Liberi Foundation for their contributions to community health. […]
Newsletter 2024

Dear donors & supporters,2024 Is almost behind us, and we would like to take the opportunity to share some updates with you through our annual newsletter. For the Liberi Foundation, it was a great year. While we look back at everything we’ve accomplished, we also focus on the future. And we would love for you, our […]
The community and the Liberi School unite for a clean and green environment

An unclean environment brings about different health hazards not only to people but also to animals and plants. On Friday, July 5th 2024, Liberi School joined hands with the local community to take a steady stance in achieving a healthy environment. The movement was graced by the presence of the local headmen and Siamatika health […]
Effects of climate change in Zambia

Zambia is facing the worst climate change disaster since independence in 1964 with very little rainfall recorded during the period 2023 to 2024. The impact of this drought at both national and household levels will have very devastating effects with the growing population of Zambia now estimated at 20 million people. Over, the past decade, […]
Secondary school

Building the Future Secondary Education in Zambia We are proud to announce the launch of our new project in Zambia: the transformation of an empty factory into a well-equipped secondary school that will change the future of young people in the region. This new school will not only serve as a place of learning but […]

LIBERI FOUNDATION WANTS TO TRANSFORM THE OLD HEALTH POST Into a maternity center The very first steps for reconstruction are currently being taken: installing water and electricity. There will be a division of the clinic into 3 rooms connected to each other; 1. Delivery room2. Shower facilities for post-delivery3. Observation room for mother and child. […]
Staff houses at Liberi School

MORE STAFF HOUSES At Liberi School Liberi school is growing and its employees grow along with it! Several teachers have expressed their wish to live near the school as they find the travel distance too far. Currently we do not have enough houses available but we plan to construct a new housing block in 2024. […]
Girlscamp in Kamimibi

Poverty and peer pressure are some of the major challenges faced by girls in the Kamimibi and nearby villages. Most of these girls end up getting married at an early age, which interferes with their education, health and acquisition skills that are necessary for them to survive. To address this issue, Liberi School organized an […]
Gratitude and appreciation in the Ministry of Health Letter

We would like to share a special letter from Adidja Sumbwe, the District Health Director in Siavonga District (Zambia) with you. This letter expresses her sincere gratitude and appreciation and is addressed to the Liberi Foundation and Wilde Ganzen for the successful completion and wonderful opening of the Siamatika Health Clinic. On behalf of the […]