+31 (0) 527 763 423

Het Spijk 12, 8321 WT Urk, NL

Health post

The doctor’s post in Kamimbi should provide health care to more than 10,000 people. This is not realistic as the building is now no more than a large space with two separate rooms. In one room clients are received and medicines dispensed and the other room is a room where minor surgeries take place, but also where deliveries are initiated. There is no running water and no electricity. From a hygienic point of view the rooms score highly insufficient. There is little medication, but also almost no good materials to properly perform procedures and deliveries. This leads to many complications. Unfortunately, there is still too much mortality among pregnant women, mainly due to blood poisoning. But also viruses and parasites like malaria still make too many victims. The clinic has five employees, two of whom are nurses and three of whom are support staff, mostly volunteers.

We plan to build the health post in two phases.

To improve health care in Kamimbi Zambia, by building a complete new doctor’s post. This health post will function more like a small clinic, where long-term monitoring of sick people can also take place.

We want to realize this project in two phases.

  • Phase 1 is to build a small clinic/health post (2022-2023).
  • Phase 2 convert the current clinic into an obstetric ward (2023-2024).

Phase One

We want to build a small clinic with inpatient facility. Initially, the clinic is intended for preventive health care, giving vaccinations, consultation, day treatment and minor medical procedures and admission for observation. The clinic consists of several rooms (as shown on the attached drawing).

  • Separate admission rooms for men, women and children.
  • Pharmacy
  • Office
  • Waiting room
  • Consulting room
  • Hygiene locker
  • Toilet and shower facility
  • Storage area

We want to provide the clinic with running water and electricity.

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