In the year 2018, we launched the construction of the Liberi School. Currently, we are building a new clinic, which will be opened on October 13, 2023. Since the Liberi Foundation’s activities have expanded in recent years, it became necessary to adjust the logo to match our activities.
The Liberi Foundation strives to provide people with additional opportunities in life in the areas of education and health care. Our motto is therefore, ” Each child should receive adequate health care while education is the foundation to everything!”
The bird symbolises the freedom we want to give people. the freedom we want to give people. Liberi comes from the Latin word “liber,” which means “free. In English, “liberty” also means freedom. Our aim is to help people gain the freedom to grow and develop so that they can provide their basic needs, like shelter and food. The bird is able to spread his wings and look further than the concerns of today.
Liberi Foundation’s projects are located primarily in Kamimbi, a village in Zambia’s southern province of Siavonga. The flag of Zambia also shows an eagle, representing the ability to rise above problems. Our focus is the community of Kamimbi, both young and old. The group of people in the logo symbolises the local community. People are standing side by side, reaching for freedom and a better future.
The round shape in the logo symbolises the sun, which provides brightness and warmth to the community. Also the sun is a symbol of Hope and a brighter future. We hope to achieve this by providing the community with basic needs, such as education and healthcare. Next, they will be able to dedicate all their efforts to develop and better their community.