The community in Kamimbi is delighted that there will be their own small clinic now. The nearest one was hours walking which is too far for those in need of immediate medical care. This clinic is significantly going to improve healthcare in Kamimbi.
The construction of the clinic has started, but also challenging is fencing. It is necessary to fence the clinic to ensure the safety and privacy of the patients, and also to keep out cattle.
Together, the community came together and decided to build the fence themselves. They realize that if they cooperated and pooled their skills, they could build the fence without the assistance of experts. People from every part of Kamimbi came all together and helped. Constructors, carpenters or even those without building skills, assist. Together they work to collect funds and buy the materials but also collect and build the fence. The construction company Epicrete is lending them tools to build. The construction of the fence is a tremendous task and will take a long time. However, the the community is never being discouraged.
The fence construction is not only a way to secure the clinic, it’s a way for the community to unite. People are getting to know each other and are helping each other. It strengthens connections among individuals in the community bringing them together.
Once the fence is completed, it becomes a source of pride for the entire community. At that point, the clinic is safe and protected and ready to receive patients. This community is looking forward to the day when the clinic is going to be opening it’s doors.
Through this story, we also wish to illustrate the power of cooperation and community spirit. It’s one example on how to achieve results when people come united and cooperate together to achieve a mutual goal.